Matching Your Jeans to Your Body Type



When you are buying a new pair of jeans, there many things to look at – the size, shape, wash, cut and material are all factors that contribute to the overall effect of the final garment, and how it will look on you. Need some help making the right choices? Here’s how to make the right buying decisions.

Skip the trends

If you are going to be spending money on a new pair of jeans, remember that they last a long time, so buying the right pair is key. If you take one thing out of this article, let it be this: your money will be far better spent on a high-quality, multifunctional item than it will be on a trend-based novelty-type type item. The more purposes that you can apply your jeans to, the more mileage you will get out of them, and the better you will have spent your money. 

How to make it fit YOU

Jeans are a personal thing, as the sum total of their success as part of an outfit comes down to whether the wearer is wearing the right cut for their proportions. A good part of this is knowing what your body type is, which should not be confused with body size. Some body types will look good in mom jeans, whereas some may be better off with another cut. 

That’s right – the shape of your body, which is to say, your body type, plays a far larger role in wearing your jeans right than what your clothing size is! Pear shaped? Rectangular? Apple shaped? Straight lined? Once you’ve determined yours, you can dress accordingly. 

If you are still unsure, use these tips to find the best fit:

When you try on a new pair of jeans, see if they slip on easily. Although what I’m about to say seems counterintuitive, it’s true: If they do slip on easily, go down a size. Remember that all jeans stretch a bit with wear, so if you buy a perfectly fitting pair straight off the shelf, chances are that they’ll end up being just a bit too big for you. Also look for a snug waistband, but not so tight that it squeezes your flesh. The perfect fit will let you fit two fingers down the back of the waistband while the jeans are being worn. If you can fit your whole hand, the jeans are too big. 

So what is the final verdict? 

Like a good wine, a pair of jeans should improve with age. Unlike any other wardrobe item, jeans don’t degrade with time, they pick up a bit of attitude! Fraying and fading are highly desirable qualities in jeans, which is why they are famous for their longevity! 

Buy with care, and make sure that you buy the best quality you can afford. Check to see how well the fabric recovers from stretching, or whether there is any visible strain on the seams – this pair will be in your life for quite some time, so it is vital that you love them!

This feature was a collaboration. 

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