Move over Lightning McQueen I raced at the BMW Performance Center
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Move over Lightning McQueen I raced at the BMW Performance Center

Park your “mom-mobile”, stop dreaming of racing and do it!  I was hosted at the BMW Performance Center West during the #Drive2Learn Conference with other women influencers recently.  Encouraged to put that pedal to the floor, I did! Can you imagine? I used to write (and still do) my other career would have been a…

Five Reasons the Lexus RX and UX Are Great for Moms
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Five Reasons the Lexus RX and UX Are Great for Moms

Two of the New Lexus Models are coming out in 2019 and they are hot!  Having the chance to drive them while in California for A Girls Guide to Cars Conference, I am having so much car envy once I returned home to the truck and mom-mobile.  The Lexus RX 350L and Lexus UX had…