Five Reasons the Lexus RX and UX Are Great for Moms
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Five Reasons the Lexus RX and UX Are Great for Moms

Two of the New Lexus Models are coming out in 2019 and they are hot!  Having the chance to drive them while in California for A Girls Guide to Cars Conference, I am having so much car envy once I returned home to the truck and mom-mobile.  The Lexus RX 350L and Lexus UX had…

Britax & Lexus #TestDriveParenthood Event in Mt. Kisco
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Britax & Lexus #TestDriveParenthood Event in Mt. Kisco

Car seats are one of the first purchases new parents make, I mean you need one to even bring the baby home.  This  purchase and decision is also a major safety one, one that parents must make knowing the current laws and features.  Families are using carseats for almost a decade after child is born….