Want to see a Pirate?

Ahoy Pirates Pirates are invading Westchester’s Sleepy Hollow.  From July 4-7th at Philipsburg Manor kids can explore, have a treasure hunt while coming across different types of pirates, and watch them blast canons into the lake.   Tattoos, face painting, games and pictures with mermaids and parrot too!   Prices are: Adults- $16 Under 18-$12…

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4 of July Fireworks 2013

FIRE WORKS Wondering where you can go see the fireworks this year?  Here is a current list and we will update it as we get more information. Putnam Brewster- Highlands Shopping Complex (Kohl’s/HomeDepot) 7/4– 8:30 Danbury, CT Danbury Fair Mall – 7/3– 8:30 Carmel (Rt 52 and Rt 311) Sunday 7/6- 9pm  Westchester(many have things…

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A must for every mom/woman–GIVEAWAY!

Have you found that perfect day planner yet? As a mom, organization is key and knowing when everyone has their plans is a must too.  I searched high and low to find a great LIFE-PLANNER that had EVERYTHING I needed.  Now that I have found it, used it and bragged about it I must share!…